may exam free seminar

May School Exam Free Seminar


May School Exams are Coming! Are you ready? Don’t know how to prepare? TTC’s May School Exam Free Seminar 2022 is your answer!

Free Admission!!!

Free Revision Material!!!

Completely online!!!

Sign up and get your copy of premium exclusive notes prepared by our professional tutors.
The notes include the following and more:

√ School exam past years

√ Chapter short notes (faster revisions)

√ Delivered to your doorstep

5月份考试来临咯! 你准备好了吗? 还不知该从哪里开始?

TTC 2022年5月份学校考试讲座会就是你的答案!




复习本的资料:√历年学校考题 √ 简短的章节笔记(快速复习) √达到考试的需求

Seminar Timetable

(Click the image to zoom)

Convinced? Sign up with the form below now! It’s completely free and you have nothing to lose!

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