1st Term Exam Seminar 2023

2023 第一期考试免费讲座会

1st term exam, are you ready?

Holidays, holidays, and more holiday. It feels like we’ve been having more school holidays than actual school days. Is school even…real?

Then, BOOM!

“We will be having our 1st term exams now.”

– Every school teacher.
1st term exam sudden meme

But, don’t you worry.

TTC’s got your back!

(as always)

Presenting our FREE 1st Term Exam Seminar! Covering ALL subjects, choose from over 50 tutors who have years of experience in preparing students for their 1st term exams.

This time, TTC will send hardcopy notes to your doorstep AND PDF version will be available too!

Click the button below to access to TTC Premium colour notes for this seminar!

How to join the seminar?

17th June Seminar Subjects

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