Are you ready for the 1st KSSM SPM?

你准备好面对第一个 KSSM SPM 了吗?

Too much to study for SPM?
❌ Reduce 90% with TTC’s SPM Seminar.
✔️ Only essentials, no frills.

SPM 来不及温习?
❌ TTC可以帮您减少90%。
✔️ 只注重要点,一针见血。

proven results of 406 TTC Education students with 8As & above in SPM 2020

Here are 3 reasons why SPM students struggle to score A+:

  1. Over 100 chapters across 10 SPM subjects
  2. With limited time, many skim through without mastery
  3. Poor grasp of KBAT Questions


  1. 10个科目,要做超过3000题目
  2. 时间紧凑 (未能掌握考试重点)
  3. 无法明白KBAT问题

TTC SPM Seminar features

TTC 的SPM讲座会将提供

  1. 10% SPM Tips
    • highlight important 10% subtopics eliminate 90% frills
  2. 5 sets of SPM Forecast Paper
    • master all important key concepts
  3. ‘4 KBAT Skills’
    • Expose 4 types of KBAT Questions
  1. 10%SPM的贴士
    ●只针对最重要的10%课程, 排除90%不必要的课程
  2. 5份SPM的预考题
  3. ‘4种KBAT技巧’
seminar timetable and seminar fees

Register your interest for our SPM seminar and our receptionist will contact you ASAP!

Not a SPM 2021 candidate? Just about to enter Form 1? Why not join our Pre-Form 1 tuition that is ENTIRELY FREE!

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